affected. If you are having a problem, there is an init that will fix it. The file is called "TMF.sit" and will be on the AMUG BBS. Let us know if you need it and don't have access to the BBS.
Southwest Roads
A little application that intrigued me is Southwest Roads. It produces a map of several Southwest states as shown below.
By successively clicking on two city locations you get the total (highway) distance between them and the major intermediate cities with the distance between each. The file is available from our BBS. The most current version is 1.3.
Hints on This and That
If MicroSoft Word starts acting funny, and you're having difficulty pinpointing the problem, it could be a corrupted Word Settings file. This file is created by Word and stored in the System Folder. This file contains all your user supplied preferences and defaults, including and special menu changes you've made. I'm told there can be many symptoms of a corrupted Word Settings files, even some symptoms not obviously related to MicroSoft Word. Unfortunately my notes are lost, and the only symptoms I remember are font problems. If you are having problems, you can just trash this file and let MicroSoft Word rebuild you another the next time you open it.
If you have a lot of specialized menus and other setups, you
should remember to back this file up. And remember, some of
the symptoms might not be obviously related to MicroSoft Word.